Fun to learn… Campaign Crash Course makes learning flexible and easy to chew

For ‘Back to School’ season Campaign plan to kick-off a new education series whereby they ask experts at agencies, tech platforms and consultancies to submit short 5-minute videos about an area of expertise.  These will serve as marketing and advertising ‘crash courses’.
The objective of the video series is to provide a learning/education supplement to the reporting we do on Campaign. Many of these lessons might hold appeal for younger readers, whom we need to engage but have a more difficult time doing compared to senior leaders. Eventually, the editorial team hope to house a library of ‘crash course’ lessons on a variety of marketing topics that will be searchable on Google and can make us stronger reference source for those seeking to learn about marketing.
The fun and almost South Park aesthetics of the branding conveys the look and feel of the ‘Back to School’ theme, targeting at the young audiences.
The how-to from the experts… Episode on gaming: what is the play economy, and how do you unlock it?
(AV by Shoosta)

Design with an angle… Different concepts and their represents

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