Into the future… Game Changers 2022 opening video
Game Changers
Game Changers 2022 is the marketers' must-attend gaming marketing strategy 101 conference. It is a premium gaming marketing event with deep learning from leading CMOs and gaming experts, which includes top brand gaming case studies, NFT first-starter hands-on tips, metaverse early takeaways regarding ROI&measurement, play-to-earn&Web3 marketing opportunities, and the future of internet outlook.
The grid effect opens to the metaverse, and cubes of new experiences come flying your way. The simplicity of these elements creates a futuristic tone without intimidating the delegates when decentralization in Web3 is a new concept.
Highlight… The event at the Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel
Classic… The branding of Game Changers 2021 is a play of the classic element—pixel